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Posts from the ‘Fashion’ Category

Random shoots done in the last 6 months or so…

This blog is feeling a bit wedding heavy, so I thought I’d put up a selection of shoots I’ve done over the last six months. Some of these are just of myself and my fiancee mucking around and were done with a proper set up (including soft boxes), there are a few from a magazine shoot I did and one that is just natural lighting.

Stay tuned for a selection of pics from a magazine shoot done in the last week (3 mags shot in 2 days up on the Gold Coast with animals and children … )

Men’s fashion shoot

I love the look of men’s fashion photography in magazines like GQ and Men’s Style. The polished, desaturated post-processing and use of natural light are styles/techniques that particularly appeal to me and I wanted to have a go at recreating it myself.

Now, I usually shoot my fiancee, but in order to do the shoot I wanted, the only male option on short notice was me, so I had my turn in front of the lens. It was a bit tricky taking test shots to perfect settings on my fiancee and then swapping back into my model ‘blue-steel’ mode, but it was certainly very educational for me. It actually helped me realise what kinds of cues and instructions the subject(s) need in order to look their best for the camera.

It was shot from around 9am in the morning until approximately midday in our local area, Pyrmont. Shooting in winter also means that the sky had that lovely light clear blue colour, and it’s definitely one of my favourite times of year for photography.

This shoot has actually spawned a new project for my fiancee and I to do with photography, so stay tuned for details coming soon 🙂

For the rest of the pics from the shoot click here.